Blogger in Tadschikistan verhaftet

unicef-tm-web-banner-990x257-2Alexander Sodiqov, der seit einiger Zeit den ausgezeichneten und sehr kritischen blog “Tajikistan Monitor” betreibt und für globalvoices aus Zentralasien berichtet, wurde vor einigen Tagen in Khorog von tadschikischen Sicherheitsbeamten festgenommen (angeblich von einer Truppe, die von amerikanischer Seite im Anti-Terrorkampf hochgerüstet wurde). Seither fehlt von ihm jede Spur – Kontakt zu seinen Familienangehörigen und Anwälten durfte er bisher anscheinend nicht aufnehmen. Angeblich wurde er seit seiner Verhaftung am 16. Juni zweimal im lokalen staatlichen Fernsehen vorgeführt. Ihm wird Spionage vorgeworfen.

Alexander Sodiqov, der auch an einer Dissertation an der Uni Toronto arbeitet, war zu wissenschaftlichen Recherchezwecken in den Pamir gereist, um dort ein Forschungsvorhaben der Uni Exeter (UK) zu unterstützen und wurde während eines Interviews mit einem lokalen Politiker verhaftet.

Die gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen im Mai in Khorog (Chronologie der Ereignisse hier) scheinen die Behörden noch dünnhäutiger gemacht zu haben, als das nach dem Militärangriff auf die Hauptstadt der GBAO im Herbst 2012 sowieso schon der Fall war. Mit Alexander Sodiqov wurde nun erstmals ein Wissenschaftler von den staatlichen Stellen verhaftet, ohne sich dabei im geringsten um seine Rechte zu scheren.

Wir posten hier den Aufruf von amnesty zur Unterstützung und umgehenden Freilassung Alexander Sodiqovs! Einen Aufruf von Freunden und Kollegen Alexander Sodiqovs gibt es auf

Tajikistani national Alexander Sodiqov was arrested on 16 June in eastern
Tajikistan while conducting academic research. There are fears for his
safety and concerns that he may face torture or other ill-treatment.
Alexander Sodiqov, who lives in Canada, was detained on 16 June by two State
Committee for National Security officers in Khorogh, capital of eastern
Tajikistan’s Gorno-Badakshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO). He has not been heard
from since he rang his wife on 16 June at 9.30 pm local time. He did not tell her
where he was being held.
He has not been heard from since. He is not known to have been able to contact a

Alexander Sodiqov is a PhD student at the University of Toronto. He had been
conducting research for a British Economic and Social Research Council project
called Rising Powers and Conflict Management in Central Asia which involves the
Universities of Essex and Newcastle. He was detained while conducting a research
interview with a civil society activist and deputy head of the Social Democratic
Party of GBAO, Alim Sherzamonov.

On 17 June police went into his mother’s home in the capital, Dushanbe, searched it
and removed computer and storage equipment. On 17 June, the State Committee for
National Security (SCNS) issued a statement accusing him of spying for foreign
governments. According to Asia Plus and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Alexander
Sodiqov appeared on local television in Badakhshan on the evening of 18 June and the
following morning talking about the situation in GBAO. Radio Free Europe’s
reports said that some observers felt the television footage had been edited. On 19
June the head of the SCNS, Saimumin Yatimov, made a statement saying that foreign
spies were operating in Tajikistan under the guise of NGOs and trying to undermine
safety and security in the country.

Alexander Sodiqov has now been held for 72 hours and under Tajikistani law he should
be charged or released.

Please write immediately in Tajik, Russian, English or your own language:
Urging the authorities to reveal Alexander Sodiqov’s whereabouts
immediately, as 72 hours has passed since he was detained and he must be either
charged or released immediately;
Urging them to ensure that he has unrestricted and confidential access to a
lawyer of his choice in line with Tajikistan’s national law and international
Calling on them to ensure that he has immediate access to any medical attention
he may require.

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